Invitation to conferences on business, trade and investment
Invitation to networking events, roundtables & workshops to share insights & experience
Introduce Korean business partners
Cultural & Social Programs Information – Festivals, Dinners, Lunch, Pub Nights, Concerts, Arts, Music & Tours.
Business Intelligence
Advice on crafting Korea strategy
Business issues analysis and practical how-to approach guidance
Increase attention among members of Parliament and government officials in Canada and Korea about the broader Canada-Korea economic and commercial relations
CKBC Membership Benefits
Save Costs & Time
Reduce Risks & Mistakes
Accelerate Launch & Deals
Increase Sales & Profit
Find Reliable Partners & New Opportunities
Meet Industry Executives & Government Officials
Widen Industry & Government Networks & Relationships
Increase Depth of Knowledge & Experience on Korea’s Industries, Culture & System
Build Canada Brand through Collaboration & Create Synergy among Members